Toes, Toes...
FansofToes have been complaining about a lack of recent pictures. So, here are a few from a week or so ago.It was playtime with DadtoToes

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Toes is doing really well. This week she is transitioning from the infant room at daycare to the pre-toddler room.
A good friend of mine who is a Childhood Development Professor told me that in her opinion, daycare centers should be more concerned about transitioning parents than they are with transitioning the children.
She is very right.
Today after Erin's speech therapy, I took her straight to the new room. She had a major meltdown as I left. I was in tears as I left the room to go to the Infant Room and drop off her lunch and coat.
Ms. Jen, who is the Assistant Director (and until recently was one of Toes's primary care givers), saw me and went to peek into the room to see how Toes was doing.
By the time I was done putting Toes's belongings away in the other room, Ms. Jen was sticking her head in to tell me that Toes wasn't crying anymore - that she was just snuffling a bit and eating a banana with the other kids.
*sigh* Such a relief. :-D
My biggest concern was how Toes would do with napping on a cot. Today was to be her first try at it.
I called around 2:30 to check how things went. I was thrilled to hear that not only had Toes napped on the cot like a pro... but that she had napped for 1 1/2 hours! Yay, Toes!!!!
The teacher put her on her cot with the binkie and her blanket. Toes sat up and looked around confused. The teacher laid her back down and stroked her. In less than a minute she was out like a light.
Apparently she was quite the hit. All the teachers peeked in on the Cuddly Cubs room to see Erin Toes sleeping like a big girl. She hasn't slept anywhere but one of her cribs in months and months. Even her carseat snoozes aren't what they used to be.
But she figured out right away that big girls sleep on cots at school.
DadtoToes was just saying this past weekend that he thinks once we turn Erin's crib into a daybed, that she will probably just toddle off and take a nap when she is ready. I think he is right.
Yay, Toes!
Let's just hope this was a real trend... and not just a first day fluke. ;-)